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【学术报告】The local tangential lifting method for moving interface problems on surfaces with applications


时  间:519日上午10:00

地  点:腾讯会议ID227721328 无密码(线上)


In this talk, a new numerical computational frame is presented for solving moving interface problems modeled by parabolic PDEs on static and evolving surfaces. The surface PDEs can have Dirac delta source distributions and discontinuous coefficients. One application is for thermally driven moving interfaces on surfaces such as Stefan problems and dendritic solidification phenomena on solid surfaces. One novelty of the new method is the local tangential lifting method to construct discrete delta functions on surfaces. The idea of the local tangential lifting method is to transform a local surface problem to a local two dimensional one on the tangent planes of surfaces at some selected surface nodes. Moreover, a surface version of the front tracking method is developed to track moving interfaces on surfaces. Strategies have been developed for computing geodesic curvatures of interfaces on surfaces. Various numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the new methods. It is also interesting to see the comparison of the dendritic solidification processes in two dimensional spaces and on surfaces.


肖旭峰,新疆大学数学与系统科学学院副教授,2019年博士毕业于新疆大学计算数学专业。主要从事曲面及移动曲面上偏微分方程的数值方法研究。在曲面上的界面问题、相场方程、对流占优扩散问题的数值方法构造和分析方面取得了若干成果。现已在Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.J. Comp. Phys., Comput. Phys. Commun.等期刊上发表相关领域论文10余篇。


联系人: 陈黄鑫