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【学术报告】Weighted Variable Lorentz Regularity for Degenerate Elliptic Equations in Reifenberg Domains

SpeakerDr., Zhang Junqiang

         China University of Mining and Technology

Title: Weighted Variable Lorentz Regularity for Degenerate Elliptic Equations in Reifenberg Domains

Time17th, Dec., 2020, 10:00


会议ID: 251 318 580(无设置密码)


Let w be a Muckenhoupt weight and a Reifenberg flat domain in. Assume that and is a variable exponent satisfying the log-Hölder continuous condition. In this talk, we investigate the weighted variable Lorentz   regularity of the weak solutions of second order degenerate elliptic equations in divergence form with Dirichlet boundary condition, under the assumption that the degenerate coefficients belong to weighted BMO spaces with small norms.

Speaker Introduction

张俊强博士的研究方向为调和分析, 在变指标的函数空间及与椭圆算子相关的Hardy空间等方面的研究取得了许多重要的研究结果,其研究工作先后发表在 Integral Equations and Operator Theory,   Canad. J. Math.,  Publ. Mat. Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. 等国际著名杂志上.

