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【学术报告】Partition statistics and Andrews-Beck type congruences

SpeakerProf. Lin Lishuang

          JiMei University

Title: Partition statistics and Andrews-Beck type congruences

Time27th, Nov., 2020, 10:00

Location实验楼105 (线下


Recently, Beck conjectured a new type of congruence involving Dyson’s rank and the number of parts of the partition. Later, Andrews confirmed Beck’s conjectures, and Chern established the analogue results on crank. In this talk, we will present the related background first, and then introduce our work on k-colored partitions. This work joint with Lin Peng and Pee Choon Toh.

Speaker Introduction

林丽双,2011年博士毕业于南开大学组合数学中心,现为集美大学教授,研究方向是数论与组合中的整数分拆,q-级数。已在《Ramanujan J.》、《J. Number Theory》和《Electron. J. Combin.》等期刊上发表学术论文30余篇;已完成一项国家青年基金项目,正主持一项国家面上项目。

