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学术报告:A two-dimensional family of surfaces of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=7

       Speaker Dr. Yinfan Chen

                       Beihang University

Title:    A two-dimensional family of surfaces of general type with p_g=0 and K^2=7

       Time:19 Dec. 2019, 10:30


Abstract:    I will talk about the construction of complex minimal smooth surfaces S of general type with p_g(S)=0, K^2_S=7. The known examples are all bidouble covers of singular Del Pezzo surfaces. Recently, joint with YongJoo Shin, we construct a new family of examples, which are bidouble covers of certain rational elliptic surfaces.

 Speaker  Introduction:陈伊凡,北京航空航天大学数学与系统科学学院讲师;2013年博士毕业于北京大学,期间曾到德国Bayreuth大学进行联合培养,并取得德国的博士学位。陈伊凡的研究领域是代数几何,研究内容涉及代数曲面及三维簇的分类问题,研究成果发表在 Mathematische Zeitschrift, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Manuscripta Mathematica, Nagoya Mathematical Journal 等杂志。


