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学术报告:Forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian proprties

        SpeakerProf.  Liming Xiong

                        Beijing Institute of Technology

Title:  Forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian proprties

       Time:30 May 2019,09:00


Abstract:   Using forbidden subgraphs condition to guarantee a graph to have Hamiltonian properties becomes  very popular recently. There are some famous Open problems,such as the very famous long-standing Matthews-Sumner conjecture that every 4-connected claw-free graph is Hamiltonian and so on. In this talk, we shall present this kind of problems and specially we present the updated results on the relationship between forbidden subgraphs and Hamiltonian properties.

       Speaker   Introduction熊黎明,北京理工大学教授、博导,现任中国运筹学会图论组合分会理事。研究领域涉及图论,包括图的结构理论,哈密尔顿圈与因子存在性与极值问题,哈密尔顿指数,线图,无爪图及其它禁用子图,算法复杂性,拓扑指标等方面,矩阵迹理论等内容,在包括J. Combin. Theory Ser. B、J. Graph Theory等学术期刊上发表100余篇学术论文。
