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学术报告:Stability of circulant graphs

 报告人:Binzhou Xia讲师


报告题目:Stability of circulant graphs



报告摘要:A graph is said to be stable if its canonical double cover has no unexpected symmetries. Graph stability has been studied in the literature from different viewpoints. In this talk I'll first review these viewpoints and then focus on the stability of circulant graphs. In particular, I'll give an answer to a question of Wilson in 2008 on the stability of arc-transitive circulant graphs and infinitely many counterexamples to a conjecture of Marusic, Scapellato and Zagaglia Salvi in 1989. This is joint work with Yan-Li Qin and Sanming Zhou..

报告人简介:Binzhou Xia,2009年浙江大学本科,2014年北京大学与西澳大利亚大学博士。2014-2016北京国际数学中心博士后,2016-2017年西澳大利亚大学Research associate,2017年任职于墨尔本大学。主要研究代数图论、组合学与群论,在诸多国际著名杂志(如Math. Comp., J. Combin. Theory Ser. B,  J. Combin. Theory Ser. A,  J. Algebra,  Israel J. Math,  Acta Arith.等)发表论文近20篇,2017年Kirkman奖获得者。


