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学术报告:Testing superiority after the confirmation of non-inferiority for Three-arm Clinical Trials with Multiple Experimental Treatments



报告题目:Testing superiority after the confirmation of non-inferiority for Three-arm Clinical Trials with Multiple Experimental Treatments



报告摘要:The objective of a non-inferiority (NI) trial is to assert the efficacy of an experimental (new) treatment compared with a reference (standard) treatment by showing that the experimental treatment retains a substantial proportion of the efficacy of the reference treatment. The marginal loss of efficacy of adopting the experimental treatment has to be justified by its other benefits, such as the alleviation of side effects, reduction of costs, and introduction of less complicated regimens. In three-arm NI studies, it is usual that the sole objective is to demonstrate the experimental treatment is non-inferior to the standard treatment. However, there is a likelihood that the experimental treatment performs better than the standard treatment. In this talk, we propose testing procedures that test superiority after the confirmation of non-inferiority. The advantage of the proposed test procedures is the additional ability to identify superior treatments while retaining an NI testing power comparable to that of existing testing procedures. Single-step and stepwise procedures are derived, and all procedures are designed to control the family-wise type I error rate, then compared with each other to determine their relative testing power and testing error in a simulation study. Based on a general concept of test power, we derive a viable scheme that enables NI researchers to determine the required sample size of an NI trial. Clinical trial examples will be presented to illustrate our proposed procedures.



