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学术报告:Quantitative estimates for advective equation with compressible flows

报告人(Speaker)Professor Didier Bresch (LAMA, Universit´ e de Savoie)

题目(Title)Quantitative estimates for advective equation with compressible flows



摘要(Abstract)In this talk we are interested in quantitative estimates for advective equations with an anelastic constraint in presence of vacuum. More precisely, we derive a quantitative stability estimate and obtain the existence of renormalized solutions. Our main objective is to show the flexibility of the method introduced recently by the authors for the compressible Navier–Stokes system. This method seems to be well adapted in general to provide regularity estimates on the density of compressible transport equations with possible vacuum state and low regularity of the transport velocity field; the advective equation with degenerate anelastic constraint considered here is another good example of that. As a final application we obtain the existence of global renormalized solution to the so-called lake equation with possibly vanishing topography. This is a joint work with P.-E. Jabin (Maryland USA).

报告人简介(Introduction of Speaker)Professor Didier Bresch is a senior researcher of CNRS (Directeur de Recherche), France. His main research fields are PDEs and modelization,  mathematical problems of fluid mechanics and  biomathematics, etc. He is now the chairman of CNRS and the Pauli Fellow of Pauli Institute Vienna. He won the Maurice Audin Prize in 2007, and the  La Recherche Prizes in 2009 and 2011. He was the head of the Think-Tank MathsInTerre from 2012 to 2013, and the head of the Laboratory of Mathematics (LAMA, Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) from 2010 to 2014. He has published more than 80 articles in top refereed Journals, including the most famous mathematical journal: Annales of Maths. He has also published 15 proceedings and 3 handbooks, and 5 chapters in handbooks as well.   

