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学术报告:Howe duality for quantum queer superalgebra

报告人:汪永杰 (合肥工业大学)

报告题目:Howe duality for quantum queer superalgebra 



报告摘要:In this talk, We establish a new Howe duality between a pair of quantum queer superalgebras. The key ingredient is the construction of a non-commutative analogue $A_q(q_n, q_m)$ of the symmetric superalgebra S(C^{mn|mn}) with the use of quantum coordinate queer superalgebra. It turns out that this superalgebra is equipped with a $U_q^{−1} (q_n) \otimes U_q(q_m)$- supermodule structure that admits a multiplicity-free decomposition. We also show that the $(U_q^{−1} (q_n), U_q(q_m))$-Howe duality implies the Sergeev-Olshanski duality. If time allows, I will talk something about the first fundanment theorem (FFT) for quantum queer superalgebras. This is my joint work with Z. Chang. 

报告人简介: 汪永杰2014年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学, 2015年-2018年在台湾大学从事博士后研究工作,现在合肥工业大学工作。 
