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学术报告: Eigenvalue inequalities of the product of a Hermitian matrix and a positive definite matrix等系列报告

报告人:Fuzhen Zhang教授


题目:#1 Eigenvalue inequalities of the product of a Hermitian matrix and a positive definite matrix 

摘要:Eigenvalue problem of matrices is of central importance in matrix theory, matrix computation, linear algebra and related areas. Traditionally, eigenvalue inequalities in partial sums involve two Hermitian matrices for sum and a pair of positive semidefinite matrices for product. We show some eigenvalue inequalities of the product of a Hermitian matrix and a positive definite (Hermitian) matrix; we use the results to study perturbation problems of generalized eigenvalues. (Joint work with Bo-Yan Xi.)


题目:#2 Enumeration of extreme points of the polytopes of line and plane stochastic tensors

摘要:We are concerned with the extreme points of the polytopes of stochastic tensors. By a tensor we mean a multi-dimensional array over the real number field. A line-stochastic tensor is a nonnegative tensor in which the sum of all entries on each line (i.e., 1 free index) is equal to 1; a plane-stochastic tensor is a nonnegative tensor in which the sum of all entries on each plane (i.e., 2 free indices) is equal to 1. In enumerating extreme points of the polytopes of line- and plane-stochastic tensors of order 3 and dimension n, we consider the approach by linear optimization and present new lower and upper bounds. We also study the coefficient matrices that define the polytopes. (Joint work with Xiao-Dong Zhang.)



报告人简介: 1993年获美国加利福尼亚大学-圣巴巴拉(UCSB)数学博士学位。现为美国佛罗里达诺瓦东南大学数学教授。研究领域为线性与多重线性代数及矩阵分析(以及算子理论、泛函分析和组合数学)。至今发表学术论文70余篇,著作3部。曾任美国数学会《数学评论》评审人, 国际线性代数学会公报《IMAGE》编委, 美国自然科学基金评委。现任多家国际数学杂志编委或客座编委。应邀为近40家SCI杂志审稿人。若干国际数学专业会议主讲人, 其中包括第18届国际线性代数学会大会(美国罗德岛,2013年6月),第22届国际矩阵与统计研讨班(加拿大多伦多大学菲尔斯数学所,2013年8月),和田纳西大学(Chattanooga)线性代数及图论会议 (2016年3月)。国际矩阵分析及应用系列会议组委会主席。第19届国际线性代数学会大会组委会成员(首尔,2014年8月)。在世界各地专业会议中报告80余次。近年来在中国一些高校就中美高等教育演讲。被聘为上海大学等高校兼职教授。参与创建佛州华人华侨联合会(CASEC),并曾任主席(1994-1996),南佛州现代中文学校校长等职。2013年获诺瓦东南大学文理学院杰出教授奖(Distinguished Professor of the Year)。2016年获上海市“海外名师”称号。



